In the dynamic landscape of transportation management, TMACC envisions a future where every commuter, regardless of their mode of transit, experiences a journey infused with dignity and respect.
As the Executive Director, my mission is to infuse our narrative with creative and thought-provoking content, elevating the discourse around multimodal options such as walking, biking, and public transportation. Our commitment extends beyond providing choices; it’s about instilling a sense of pride in every traveler and fostering public engagement to construct better, safer, and more inclusive transportation infrastructure.
Transit Equity Day, commemorated on Sunday February 4th in honor of Rosa Parks, stands as a beacon illuminating our path toward a transportation system rooted in justice and fairness. Rosa Parks’ story exemplifies the transformative power of an individual’s resilience, sparking a movement that transcended bus seats to redefine the very fabric of civil rights. This narrative inspires us to envision a transportation future where dignity is not just a privilege but a right for every user, no matter their chosen mode of transit.
Active transportation, a cornerstone of our vision, is intricately tied to the principles of equity planning.
Walking and biking should not merely be modes of movement; they should be dignified and accessible choices for everyone. As we champion active transportation, our focus on equity planning emphasizes the creation of safe and inviting connections that cater to the diverse needs of our community. In designing walking and biking infrastructure, we strive to bridge gaps and promote inclusivity, fostering a sense of belonging and dignity for all.
Safe bus stop designs are integral to our transformative vision, symbolizing our commitment to a more inclusive commuter experience. We reimagine these spaces as universally accessible hubs, designed for users of all abilities. Well-lit, comfortable, and sheltered from the elements, these bus stops become symbols of safety, comfort, and dignity for every traveler.
TMACC draws inspiration from regional initiatives, such as Chester County’s “Walk. Ride. Drive. Safe” campaign. This campaign aligns seamlessly with our commitment to safety and equity, emphasizing the importance of safe transportation choices. Additionally, we note Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC) Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI). This grant opportunity perfectly complements our vision, as it funds local planning initiatives that advance the goals of regional long-range plans like Connections 2050. TMACC encourages stakeholders to explore such opportunities and actively participate in shaping the transportation landscape.
As we celebrate Transit Equity Day every day, TMACC’s Monday Morning Memo and ChesGo!, our version of a TDM lifestyle magazine, stand as a creative hub, echoing the call for active participation in this transformative journey. Through compelling narratives and visionary content, we paint a vivid picture of an equitable transportation landscape. We urge businesses, stakeholders, and community members to envision and actively contribute to a future where every mode of transit is a vessel of dignity and respect. Consider being a part of TMACC in the journey and become a member to support this effort.
In summary, TMACC is steadfast in its commitment to cultivating an equitable transportation future. As we navigate the ever-evolving transportation landscape, we envision a system that not only connects destinations but also connects hearts, fostering a sense of pride and dignity in every commuter’s journey. Together, let us elevate equity, making transportation a business of inclusivity, accessibility, and empowerment.

Tim Phelps
Executive Director