Chester County has the infrastructure and resources to get there from here, no matter where ‘here’ and ‘there’ are.
Stand out from your competition, offer your employees Commuter Benefits. It helps commuters pay for the cost of getting to work on public transportation. These programs allow commuters to use pre-tax dollars to pay for their commute. And employers save money by driving down payroll taxes with every dollar a commuter deducts. The program pays for itself and everyone gains from it.
If you or your employer are interested in Commuter Benefits, please contact TMACC today!
Public Transportation
By Train
SEPTA’s Regional Rail system serves Chester County and the Philadelphia Metropolitan area.
By Bus
ChescoBus primarily covers southern Chester County while SEPTA bus routes offer additional options. Route information, schedules and passes for ChescoBus can be found at the link below.
What is a Vanpool?
A vanpool is a better way to travel to and from work. A vanpool is a group of 7-15 people who commute on a regular basis in a roomy, comfortable van. One person volunteers to be the driver/coordinator of the vanpool and normally rides free. The riders share the cost of operating the vanpool. The vanpool group determines their daily schedule and route. Riders meet at a designated pick-up location, such as a Park ‘n Ride lot or a shopping center. There may be more than one meeting place if the group agrees.
Who Vanpools?
- Thousands of smart commuters ride in vanpools everyday.
- People who have at least a 30 minute drive or travel more than 15 miles one-way to work.
- People who maintain a relatively consistent work schedule.
- People who live and work near, or along the route of, 7 to 15 other people who are willing to share the ride in a van.
Why Vanpool?
Save money: Vanpoolers save an average of $800 a year or more compared to the cost of driving alone. Plus, you spend less for gas, parking, repair and maintenance on your own vehicle
Save time: A vanpool can use the (HOV) High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes. This can significantly reduce the time spent commuting to and from work each day
Save your sanity: You don’t have to fight traffic congestion. In a vanpool you can sleep, read and relax on your commute to and from work
Save on air: One vanpool removes as many as 14 vehicles and their emissions from the road each day. That’s good for you and for the environment.
Park & Ride
Park and Ride (P&R) lots are areas specifically dedicated for use by commuters to park vehicles while using public transit or participating in carpools or vanpools. Used as a common meeting spot, they provide adequate space and a safe, convenient location for drivers to leave their cars while sharing the ride to work. They also alleviate community opposition to on-street parking problems in areas most suited for shared commutes.

Why Bike to Work?
Taking a few vehicles off the road, helping to improve traffic congestion and air quality is just the start. The Greater Philadelphia region’s growing trail and bicycle-friendly infrastructure is making it easier (and safer) than ever to jump on the bike and pedal to work. From major trails like the Schuylkill River Trail (SRT) and Chester Valley Trail (CRT) to small connectors and bike-friendly urban routes, biking to work has become a new way to save on gas and get some healthy exercise in before and after the work day. And, a growing number of Park & Ride locations provide the option to park your car closer to your destination and enjoy a ride to finish your commute.
Bike to Work with TMACC
In an effort to continue TMACC’s mission of reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality, Bike Chester County is hosting weekly bike to work rides into Great Valley from May 1st to September 30th open to anyone who is interested in trying to bike to work. Information on the rides location, times and routes can be found on the group Facebook Page.
Please note: The bulk of these rides are on trail, but every ride will have a road component once you depart from the trail to get to work. Ride leaders will not ride with you to your workplace. We suggest charting out the safest route to your workplace from the trail before you ride with us. If you are uncomfortable with riding on road alone, try getting a coworker with a similar commute to try riding with you. Helmets are required to participate in these rides.
Rides Back Home
If you would like to ride back to our starting locations with us, ride leaders will be leading rides back at 5:00 PM from the Wegmans in Malvern.
Join Our Facebook Group!
If you are on Facebook, please consider joining our Great Valley Commuter Cycling group. We will use this group page to post about any ride cancellations or changes, and you can use this page to connect with other commuter cyclists. If you do not have Facebook, don’t worry. We’ll send out ride cancellations via email as well.