TMACC was founded in May of 1992 as the Chester Valley TMA and consisted of 14 Founding Members, which include some of our current members today: Chester County Intermediate Unit, Great Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, Krapf’s Coaches, Inc., PennState Great Valley, and Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul. In June of 1995, the Chester Valley TMA Board of Directors changed our name to the Transportation Management Association of Chester County to better capture the members we wanted to acquire.
The mission of TMACC is to advance equitable, safe, and sustainable multimodal transportation solutions by serving as
- a resource center for innovative mobility strategies,
- a collaborator of the public, private, and non-profit sectors, and
- a catalytic agent for advancing and implementing best practices.
Today, TMACC represents the expanding region of Chester County and continues to advocate for sustainable transportation practices and connectivity. TMACC’s membership represents over 20,000 commuters in Greater Philadelphia and includes a range of organizations in engineering, planning, law, consumer goods, finance, hospitality, education and more.
Our Staff

TMACC Board of Directors
Joanne Forsythe
Vice Chair
Danielle Boyko
The Vanguard Group
Catherine Bianco
Tactix Real Estate Advisors
Matthew Kozsuch, PE
Jaren Bailey, P.E.
Thomas Bonner
PECO Energy / Exelon Co.
Steve Brown
East Whiteland Township
Aristidis Christakis
Buckley, Brion, McGuire, & Morris LLP
Nathan Cline, P.E.
Roberta Cosentino
City of Coatesville
Thomas Dominiecki, PTOE
Gannett Fleming, Inc
Robert Emmanuel
Tredyffrin Township
Neal Fisher, P.E.
Hankin Group
Bradley Flamm, Ph.D.
West Chester University
Shane Flickinger
Penn Medicine Chester County Hospital
Buddy Sload
Krapf Transportation
Jeff Todd
Traffic Planning & Design
Kathryn Tucker
Penn State Great Valley
Ex Officio
Matthew Edmond, AICP
Chester County Planning Commission
Ex Officio
Amy Bernknopf
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Ex Officio
Josh Maxwell
Chester County Commissioners Office
Ex Officio
Timothy S. Stevenson
PA Department of Transportation – Engineering District 6